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Set a phone number's inbound processing Region using the Console

This guide will show you how to control which Twilio Region handles incoming calls to your phone numbers.

The examples in this guide will target the Australia (AU1) Region.

To get the most out of this guide, please ensure you are familiar with the concepts described in the Inbound Call Processing overview.

Pin the Phone Numbers product menu for your target Region

pin-the-phone-numbers-product-menu-for-your-target-region page anchor

You will use Region-specific product navigation menus in the Twilio Console to manage resources and configuration for a specific Twilio Region.

Follow these steps to ensure that the "Phone Numbers" product is pinned in the navigation menu for your target Region.

  1. Click the Explore Products link at the bottom of the left-hand navigation menu, under the Develop tab.
  2. Scroll down to the Super Network section, and find the Phone Numbers card.
  3. Click the down arrow icon to the right of the pin icon, to show available Regions.
  4. Note whether the pin icon next to your target Region is filled solid (pinned) or unfilled (unpinned).
  5. If your target Region is unpinned, click on the Region name or the pin icon to pin it.
Console - Pinned product region selection.

If this is the first product you've pinned for the target Region, the side navigation will be updated to include a collapsible section for this new target Region.

Find the collapsible section for the target Region in the left hand navigation menu. In this example, the Australia (AU1) navigation section has been added to the menu.

Console - Region-specific navigation menu - Region collapsed.


Note: If you don't see any collapsible Region sections in the navigation menu, this indicates that you only have products pinned in one Region. In this case, all products in the navigation menu will implicitly operate on that one Region.

Expand the target region section to find the Phone Numbers product menu for that Region.

Access your phone number's configuration in the target Region

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To find the configuration page for a phone number in your target Region, first click to expand the menu section for your target Region (skip this step if there are no Region sections present in the navigation menu because you only have one Region pinned).

Now, under the expanded target Region section, click to expand Phone Numbers , followed by Manage . Finally, click on Active numbers .

Console - Region-specific navigation menu - Region expanded.

All of your account's phone numbers will be listed here. Click on a number to access the configuration page for that number in the context of your target Region.

Review the phone number's Region-specific configuration

review-the-phone-numbers-region-specific-configuration page anchor

Take a moment to review the phone number's configuration in the target Region.

The configuration here may be different than the configuration for the same number in other Regions, so take care to ensure that the configuration values are appropriate before activating incoming call routing to the Region.

For example, you should ensure that the Incoming Call webhook URL settings are correct for your application.



To test incoming call handling in the Region without interacting with your application, consider using the demonstration URL for your Incoming Call webhook: takes you to an external page)

This URL returns a TwiML Response that instructs Twilio to play a sample message to the caller.

Review and change the phone number's incoming call routing setting

review-and-change-the-phone-numbers-incoming-call-routing-setting page anchor

Scroll down to the section labeled "Routing" to see the number's current incoming call routing setting in this Region.

Console - Phone number configuration - Regional Routing card.

This panel will indicate whether the target Region is currently the "Active" Region for incoming call routing or not.

  • If the target Region is identified as "Active": incoming calls to the number are routed to this Region.
  • If the target Region is identified as "Inactive": incoming calls to the number are routed to another Region.

If the target Region is not currently set to Active, you can opt to set it to Active by clicking on the Re-route button. You must confirm the change in order for it to take effect.



Warning: changing a phone number's incoming call routing Region can lead to call handling errors in certain cases. Be sure to test call routing in the target Region in a pre-production environment before changing routing in production.

Verify the incoming call routing Region

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To demonstrate that calls to your phone number are being handled in the appropriate Region after a routing change, perform the following steps:

  1. Place a call to your phone number from any phone.
  2. Visit the phone number's Call Logs in the target Region.
  3. Verify that you find a new Call Log that corresponds with your sample call from step 1.
  4. Visit the phone number's Call Logs in a different, non-Active Region.
  5. Verify that you do not find a Call Log that corresponds with your sample call.

Now that you know how to handle incoming calls in a specific Twilio Region, check out these resources to learn more about building with Twilio Regions.

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