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SHAKEN/STIR Onboarding



This page provides information about Twilio's SHAKEN/STIR onboarding process and links to onboarding directions.

If you're looking for information on SHAKEN/STIR and implementation details, go to the Trusted Calling with SHAKEN/STIR page.

SHAKEN/STIR is automatically added to all the approved Primary Customer Profiles. To complete SHAKEN/STIR, assign phone numbers in your account to the approved Primary Customer Profile. This associates a single identity with the phone number.

There are two different options for enabling SHAKEN/STIR on your account(s):

  1. Using the Twilio Console
  2. Twilio's Trust Hub REST API.

For both methods, you will need to know whether you are a direct customer or an ISV/Reseller.

  • You are considered a Direct Customer if your employees are reponsible for making the calls. This includes Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Call Centers.
  • You are considered an Independent Software Vendor (ISV)/Reseller if your customers are responsible for making the calls using your product.

SHAKEN/STIR Onboarding in the Twilio Console

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If you want to use the Twilio Console to enable SHAKEN/STIR, refer to the SHAKEN/STIR Console Onboarding Instructions.

SHAKEN/STIR Onboarding with the Trust Hub REST API

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If you'd prefer to use the Trust Hub REST API, choose the instructions that correspond to your business structure.

Vetting and Attestation Levels

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The Twilio onboarding process for SHAKEN/STIR involves a vetting process.



Twilio's Compliance operations team is responsible for vetting the Business Profile and the SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product. The time to vet is 24 hours for Business Profile and 72 hours for SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product.

When will a Twilio call be signed with level A attestation?

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When a customer has the following, the call will be signed with A level attestation:

  • Approved Business Profile
  • Approved SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product that is linked to the Business Profile
  • Phone number(s) assigned to both the Business Profile & SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product (only calls from those assigned Phone Numbers will be signed "A")

When will a Twilio call be signed with level B attestation?

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When a customer has at a minimum the following, their calls from Parent and Sub-Accounts will be signed with B level attestation:

  • Approved Primary Business Profile

  • Approved SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product linked to their Parent Account

    • Note: There is no need to assign Phone Numbers or use Secondary Business Profiles to achieve B level attestation.
  • This would also be the highest level of attestation possible if a customer is using non-Twilio phone numbers,

    • This is because Twilio cannot attest to a customer's right to use a phone number if it is not a Twilio phone number. Twilio is currently investigating solutions to this.

When will a Twilio call be signed with level C attestation?

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When a customer does the following, their calls will be signed with C level attestation:

  • No approved Business Profile(s) and SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product(s) (ie if customer does nothing) OR Rejected Business Profile(s) and SHAKEN/STIR Trust Product(s)


Today, Twilio is signing all US calls with the appropriate attestation in order to meet our obligations per the TRACED ACT.