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Using Twilio Voice side by side with WebRTC - Android

Twilio's Programmable Voice SDK for Android is based upon a fork of the Chromium WebRTC project ( takes you to an external page)). This heritage usually presents an interesting challenge of class conflicts when using other WebRTC dependencies alongside Twilio in your Android application. We have designed Voice SDK 3.2.0 and above to work alongside other libraries that also inherit from webrtc.

How do conflicts occur?

how-do-conflicts-occur page anchor

Prior versions of the Voice Android SDK 3.2.0 could not be pulled into a project alongside other WebRTC dependent libraries due to class conflicts in the package org.webrtc and conflicting native module names (libjingle_peerconnectio_so).

We have modified the classpath of any java files used from org.webrtc.* to tvo.webrtc.*. With this change calling APIs to any class in org.webrtc.* will have no effect within the Voice SDK.

Perform the following modifications to your proguard file when compiling the Voice SDK for a release build with obfuscation.

  • Change -keep class org.webrtc.** { *; } to -keep class tvo.webrtc.** { *; }
  • Change -dontwarn org.webrtc.** to -dontwarn tvo.webrtc.**

The following snippet shows the correct ProGuard rules.

Voice Android 3.2.0+

voice-android-320 page anchor
# Twilio Programmable Voice
-keep class com.twilio.** { *; }
-keep class tvo.webrtc.** { *; }
-dontwarn tvo.webrtc.**
-keep class com.twilio.voice.** { *; }

If you wish to use Twilio Voice side by side with other WebRTC dependencies we recommend that you update to 3.2.x or above to eliminate class conflicts.

Note: Compiling alongside another WebRTC library was not a problem in 2.x because the media engine was different.