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Not Found

ERROR: 20404

error-20404 page anchor

The resource was not found. Here are some examples of cases that may trigger a 404 error.

  • Requesting a resource for a sid that does not exist, for example


  1. The resource has never existed (incorrect SID).
  2. The resource existed but has been deleted.
  3. The resource is a Verification SID that has been "soft deleted" after the verification process is completed or expired. When a verification is approved or expires, Twilio performs a "soft delete" on the verification record. This means that while the record is no longer active and cannot be retrieved through the API, it is still stored in Twilio's system for compliance and auditing purposes. As a result, any subsequent requests to the Verification SID's REST API resource will return a 20404 error, indicating that the resource is not found.

GET /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC123/Calls/CA123

where CA123 is not a call sid that exists for your account

  • Trying to retrieve a resource that doesn't exist, for example

GET /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC123/TwilioCalls/CA123

where the resource name is Calls, not TwilioCalls. Note that the API is case sensitive, so requesting "calls" instead of "Calls" will also return a 404.

  • Missing a sid in the request path. For example, let's say I accidentally don't set a value for a call sid, using the PHP helper library:

$callSid = null; $client->account->calls->get($callSid);

This may turn into

GET /2010-04-01/Accounts/AC123/Calls/.json

because of the nonexistent sid, which may 404 your request or give you back a result you were not expecting. Or, you may initialize the client with an empty string for an account sid, which means the URL will get truncated in the middle (note the consecutive slashes):

GET /2010-04-01/Accounts//Calls/CA123.json

  • Using a base URL that is not . For example, making requests to or will not work.

Possible Causes

possible-causes page anchor

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