The Voice Insights Subaccount Dashboard provides parent accounts with visibility into which subaccounts are outliers in terms of call quality performance. If using subaccounts for individual applications, or unique customers, knowing which accounts are most impacted by various KPIs for which Voice Insights gathers data is critical. The Subaccount Dashboard provides multiple graphs for each dimension being monitored, with the ability to export the results to CSV for offline analysis or integration into your applications.
The graphs on the Subaccount Dashboard are:
200 OK
for the selected time range. In a normal SIP dialog the a session is established with a 200 OK
and the teardown of the session is acknowledged with a 200 OK
. Attempts to reach invalid destinations, failures to establish a session, or session teardown failures will result in the final SIP response being something other than a 200 OK
. Twilio defines these as abnormal sessions.Standard View
When loading the Subaccount Dashboard you are presented with the standard view. Each graph shows the top 5 subaccounts and their friendly names in a vertical bar graph format.
Detail View
In the top right corner of the Subaccount Dashboard you can toggle Detail View on and off. Detail View will switch the presentation of the graphs to horizontal to provide greater scale precision and will also show the numeric value for the metric being displayed in the graph.
View More
Clicking View More expands the horizontal display and labeling of Detail View to a larger window and shows to the top twenty accounts.
CSV Export
To view the performance of subaccounts beyond twenty a CSV export button is provided on each of the graphs. The CSV download will show up 1000 accounts.
Date Range Picker
By default the Subaccount Dashboard will load the last complete day worth of data for the UTC timezone. 7, 15, and 30 day views are available in the Date Range Picker.
Time Zone Selection
By default the Subaccount Dashboard will display data in UTC. Additional timezones can be selected to view the data aggregated by local or remote timezones.
Account Filters
By default the Subaccount Dashboard will query all subaccounts and all Twilio media regions and display the top 5 in Standard View, the top 20 in View More, and top 1000 in the CSV export. You can choose to Limit which accounts are shown by providing a list of account SIDs or by selecting call volume percentiles and only those accounts will be displayed in the graphs and downloaded in the CSV. You can also choose Exclude which allows you to remove provided account SIDs or call volume percentiles from the results.
Similarly you can limit or exclude results based on the Edge Location/region where subaccount's calls media was handled. This allows you to compare the performance of accounts across regions; e.g. you may find that different accounts are outliers in terms of call behavior between Ashburn (us1) and Dublin (ie1).
Switching Views
The Subaccount Dashboard does not allow for the combination of Limit and Exclude to create a single set of results. When switching between Limit and Exclude a warning will briefly appear notifying you that the criteria applied for one will not impact the other. The set of filter criteria for each will remain until the filter criteria is cleared.