For instructions on how to get the AUTHY_API_KEY please check this
1.Download the iOS/Android SDK
1target 'YourTarget' do2pod 'TwilioAuth'3end
pod install
In the Build Phases tab of the project editor, click the + button at the top and select "New Run Script Phase". Enter the following code into the script text field:
bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/TwilioAuth.framework/"
filecompile 'com.twilio:auth:+'
2.In your backend obtain the USER_AUTHY_ID against the Authy API, with the user's cellphone number and email:
1curl "" \2-d user[email]="" \3-d user[cellphone]="317-338-9302" \4-d user[country_code]="54"
More info on enabling 2FA.
3.In your backend implement an API call to obtain the registration token
1curl "" \2-d authy_id="USER_AUTHY_ID"
4.In your app receive/request the registration token from your backend
5.Create an approval request
1curl "" \2-d api_key="AUTHY_API_KEY" \3-d message="Your approval request message"
More info about creating approval requests
You can also use the sample API scripts available here to create a new approval request.
To check the status of the approval request you can use the sample API script available here. Don't forget to update your environment variables when using the sample API scripts.
6.Approve/Deny request in your app
To get more info about what you can do with the SDK: Quick Reference
7.To delete a specific device you can use the sample API scripts available here
To obtain the :device_id call the getDeviceId
method of the sdk
If you find any inconveniences while following this guide please file us an issue