63104: Maximum number of phone numbers reached for your WABA
ERROR: 63104
The maximum number of phone numbers allowed by Meta has been reached for your WABA and no additional WhatsApp Senders can be onboarded in this account. See Meta's documentation for more information.
Possible Causes
Your Meta Business Portfolio is not yet verified. Meta restricts unverified businesses to 2 phone numbers across all WABAs.
You have not sent enough WhatsApp messages with your existing WhatsApp Senders or your existing WhatsApp Senders are not high quality.
You have reached the maximum number of phone numbers that Meta allows without a support ticket.
Possible Solutions
Use Meta's WhatsApp Manager to delete unused phone numbers and their corresponding WhatsApp Senders.
If you have created multiple WhatsApp Senders at once, send messages on existing WhatsApp Senders before creating additional ones to allow Meta's systems to automatically increase your phone number limit.
Use a different Twilio account or subaccount with a different WABA to create your WhatsApp Sender.
If you have access to Meta's Direct Support system, open a ticket directly with Meta to increase your phone number limit. Otherwise, open a ticket with Twilio.