53615: Access denied to external S3 bucket configured in recording settings
WARNING: 53615
Warning - 53615
Access denied to external S3 bucket configured in recording settings
We failed to upload media to the external S3 bucket configured in your account's recording settings.
The media will not be uploaded until the configuration has been fixed.
This is a configuration error that can have different root causes
The IAM user referenced in the credentials provided does not have enough permissions to upload to the bucket.
The bucket configured in your settings has SSE-S3 enabled. The only default encryption mechanism supported is SSE-KMS. Please review the guides for more informtion
In the recording settings section of your account's console, review the credentials for accessing your S3 bucket or disable the external storage (media will be uploaded to the default bucket).
If SSE-S3 is enabled, please consider switching to SSE-KMS.