48031: Outgoing conversation: Conversation with this contact and proxy address already exists
ERROR: 48031
A conversation could not be created because the requested contact address and Twilio proxy number are already in an active conversation in the same channel.
Possible Causes
Another Frontline user is already engaged in the conversation with the same contact using the same Twilio proxy number.
A conversation was created with the same contact using the same Twilio proxy number, but a Frontline user was never added to the conversation (i.e. the conversation was never routed to a Frontline user).
Possible Solutions
If the conversation has a Frontline user assigned to it, ask the user engaged in the conversation to either close the conversation or transfer it to the user who initiated the new conversation creation.
If the conversation does not have any Frontline users assigned to it, either close the conversation or add the user who initiated the new conversation creation to the existing conversation.
If inbound conversations are unintentionally not being routed to a Frontline user, you may want to check your inbound routing configuration for issues. Check out the docs on inbound conversation routing.