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30798: Brand Registration Feedback: No IRS 501c tax-exempt status found.

ERROR: 30798

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Your Brand has received feedback from The Campaign Registration upon registration. This brand registration can not be used for campaign creation till the provided feedback has been addressed. In this particular case, no IRS 501c tax-exempt status was found for the entity being registered.

Possible Causes

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  • The submitted company is not a US entity. Only US entities qualify for the Non-Profit Entity Type.
  • The submitted company is not verified as a US IRS recognised non-profit organisation.
  • The submitted company is verified as a US IRS recognised non-profit organisation but the charitable subsection code was not reported.

Please change the entity_type field value to something other than Non-Profit. If you are a Non-Profit Entity, please update the customer profile to indicate the same.

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