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Failed to Upsert Consent

ERROR: 30646

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This error occurs when one or more fields in a consent object are invalid during the upsert process, or due to an internal server issue. The contact's consent status may fail validation due to issues with the sender ID, opt-in status, or the source from which the consent was collected.

Possible Causes

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INVALID_CORRELATION_ID: The correlation_id field is not a valid 32-character UUID. Each correlation_id should be a unique identifier, exactly 32 characters long, to map the response to the original request.

INVALID_SENDER_ID: The sender_id field is invalid. It must be either a valid Messaging Service SID or a from phone number. Ensure the sender_id is correctly formatted.

INVALID_CONTACT_ID: The contact_id field is not in the correct E.164 format.(link takes you to an external page)

INVALID_STATUS: The status field is invalid. It must be one of the following values: opt-in or opt-out.

INVALID_SOURCE: The source field is invalid. It must be one of the following values: website, offline, opt-in-message, opt-out-message, or others.

INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: The request failed due to an internal server error during the upsert process. Retry the request.

  • Ensure the correlation_id is a valid 32-character UUID. Each correlation_id must be unique across all contact objects. You can use a UUID generator if necessary.

  • Ensure the sender_id is either a valid Messaging Service SID or a from phone number.

  • Ensure the contact_id is a valid phone number in E.164 format.(link takes you to an external page)

  • Ensure the status field contains a valid value (opt-in or opt-out).

  • Ensure the source field is one of the accepted values (website, offline, opt-in-message, opt-out-message, others).

  • If an internal server error occurs, retry the request after some time.

Continued issues with error 30646

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Twilio's support team can help investigate what went wrong with upserting your contacts. Please collect 3 or more correlation_id from the last 24 hours that were flagged with Error 30646, and open a support request.(link takes you to an external page)

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