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30010: Message price exceeds max price

ERROR: 30010

error-30010 page anchor

The error code is obsolete. Find more information in the changelog(link takes you to an external page).

You provided the MaxPrice parameter(link takes you to an external page) in your API request. MaxPrice will prevent a message from sending if it exceeds the price you specified.

Please note that SMS pricing is per-segment. SMS messages longer than 160 characters (or longer than 70 characters, if emojis or special characters are used) will require multiple segments. For a detailed explanation of message segmentation and encoding, see What the Heck is a Segment?(link takes you to an external page).

Possible Causes

possible-causes page anchor
  • The message price exceeded the MaxPrice you specified in your API request.
  • Increase the MaxPrice parameter value in your API requests.
  • Remove the MaxPrice parameter from your API requests.
  • Check your message body for any Unicode-only characters such as emojis, glyphs, or curly apostrophes or quotation marks which could cause the message to require additional segments.
  • Consider using the Smart Encoding feature of Messaging Services to automatically replace certain Unicode-only characters with standard GSM equivalents.