21659: 'From' is not a Twilio phone number or Short Code country mismatch
ERROR: 21659
You can only send SMS messages from a phone number, Alphanumeric Sender ID or short code provided by or ported to Twilio.
For Short Codes, the From number must be in the same country as the To number.
Possible Causes
The number you are using is in the process of porting/hosting.
You have provided an incorrect From number.
The number may be formatted incorrectly. Twilio accepts numbers in E.164 format
If the number is a Short Code, it must be associated with the same country as the destination address.
Possible Solutions
If you have ported/hosted the From number, ensure that the process is complete. You can follow up on this in the Twilio console for porting and hosting.
If you are sending from a Short Code, verify that the country you are sending to matches the country of the Short Code.
Ensure the number you are using is in E.164 format.